What if you identified your Soul’s Purpose 
in less than ONE HOUR
What if you identified
your Soul’s Purpose
in less than ONE HOUR? 

Freeing you up to spend all of your attention and energy
on what REALLY matters for faster results.

It’s like bypassing every block that’s ever held you back from your true manifestation.

An interactive workshop bundle plus digital assets.

1. Alignment & Abundance Code

Before you start, close the gap from what's missing from mainstream manifestation strategy.

2. Soul Next Desire 

Discover exaclty the answer yo've been searching for.

3. Activate Soul’s Next Desire

This is how you get the right energy. Use the right energy to get results now. 

4. Accelerated Action Plan

The right actions, in the right order, with the right energy. 

5. Sabotage Buster

How to avoid inevitable self-sabotage and doubt.

Get Instant Access To Soul's Next Desire!

Total Value = (£943)
Today's price = £37

Raise your hand if this is your truth …

  • Manifestation feels harder than you were led to believe.
  • You’ve done all the right things … meditation, astrology, journaling, affirmations but it’s still not happening for you
  • You’re unsure that you’re aligned with your soul’s purpose.
  • You have so many soul purposes you don’t know which one is right one … or where to start first.
  • If know if you’re not aligned, you’re slowing down your manifestation, and ...

You’re STUCK while life passes you by because you don’t know if the resistance comes from your Ego or is a feedback from the Universe.

The truth is your soul doesn’t expand 
through purpose…
It expands through DESIRES.
Your SOUL came to earth to expand through new experiences
And for new experiences you need clear DESIRES.
 Let’s get cracking!
Have you ever tried to drive a car with the tires out of alignment?
(Only a question a Romanian underpaid overworked engineer would ask.)
As that engineer, my soul’s desire back then was to experience the world through travel. Therefore, I activated the energy to acquire my biggest engineering contract. At the moment when I started to focus on my soul’s next purpose, travel came, money came, and my spouse came.
Imagine if you’ve already identified and started living your 
Soul’s Desires, you would:
Manifestation, at all levels, becomes EASY and begins snowballing.
No more doubts. Consistent results every time you use it. 
You’ll FINALLY experience the universe co-creating your goals with you.
 Feel a sense of EASE and Pleasure.
Achieve your goals faster and easier.
It won’t feel like you’re working or that it’s hard. Repeatable results. No more procrastination.
Four Simple Golden 
Dating Rules 

1. To Start Dating Needs Clarity About What You Really Want

2. Dating Needs Clear Love Intention

3. Dating Needs Totally New Actions aligned with your love intention

4. Dating Needs Commitment And Consistency

" I was struggling to find my purpose. Now I'm seeing how all the puzzle pieces Are coming together.  "​
"I bought Simona's Soul's Next Desire from curiosity because the concept was quite new for me but also because I admire her for the passion she is doing her work and programs. 
For a period of time I was struggling to find my purpose, my place in the corporate world, as a woman, seek my own way and have a normal life-job balance. 
I found the experience very beneficial for me. The workshop was really easy to apply and Yes, in one hour I was capable to identify my Soul's Next Desire. 
Now I'm implementing the action plan that I was able to create thanks to her workshop. I already feel more balanced, having a purpose and seeing how all the puzzle pieces are coming together. 
I would definitely recommend this workshop to people who need to find the dive truth about manifestation, to finally have a purpose and who really want to fulfilled their life goals.

Thank you dear Simona! "
Maria Grigorescu ~ Project Manager
How I Created the Soulmate Dating Blueprint...
Get ready to manifest faster than you ever thought possible.
What’s Included...
CLARITY LESSONS in short video form with step-by-step workbooks that leave no doubt about your soul’s next desire.

Lesson 1: The Alignment & Abundance Code (£197)

That’s been missing from mainstream manifestation strategies. This is not the same superficial strategies that we’ve all tried. This is the deep dimensional alignment every soul is here to experience.

Lesson 2: Soul Next Desire (£197)

This is it! 
You leave this lesson with the answer you’ve been seeking.

Lesson 3: Activate Soul’s Next Desire (£67)

With the right Energy that creates results now.

Lesson 4: Accelerated Action Plan (£97)

Not just any plan, but the right actions in the right order with the right energy.

Lesson 5: Sabotage Buster (£97)

When dynamic change starts to take form, sabotage isn’t going to be far behind. This lesson is essential to avoid inevitable self-sabotage and doubt.

And NOW for the HOT BONUSES!

BONUS 1: Bye-bye Procrastination (£97)

Did you know that procrastination isn’t about willpower or excitement? Procrastination can only be healed … forever ... with this divine solution.

BONUS 2: Drama Buster (£97)

When you start to take action in the right way, Real Housewives-level drama and resistance will appear. Every goal will bring up a resistance. This bonus will help you know if each resistance is a genuine signal from the universe or just your ego in the way and what to do to eliminate the drama.

BONUS 3: Course Correction (£47)

How to eliminate the three biggest mistakes we all make in the manifestation process and get back on track. Plus, how to course correct your actions fast.

BONUS 4:  Self-Doubt Cure (£47)

Eliminate the five traps of self-doubtinghiding, hesitation, helplessness, anxiety, internal criticism.

Soul's Next Desire
Are you ready to have it all?

Lesson 1: The Alignment & Abundance Code

(Value £197)

Lesson 2: Soul Next Desire

(Value £197)

Lesson 3: Activate Soul’s Next Desire
(Value £67)

Lesson 4: Accelerated Action Plan

(Value £97)

Lesson 5: Sabotage Buster

(Value £97)

Bonus 1: Bye-bye Procrastination - Workshop
(Value £97)

Bonus 2: Drama Buster - Workbook 

(Value £97)

Bonus 3: Course Correction - Workshop

(Value £47)

Bonus 4: Self-doubt Cure - Workshop

(Value £47)
Are you curious to know your soul’s next desire? 
You can know in THE NEXT HOUR.
Total Value = (£943)
Today's price = £37
Why waste one more day not living up to your Soul’s Standards.
What's the point of delay?
Every second that you are aligned with your soul's next desire makes your life easier...makes it flow. 

 In ONE HOUR you can turbo-charge manifestation
You can achieve your goals, get ease and happiness so much faster.
What People Said​...
Your Soul’s Next Desire is Waiting for You Inside!
"  I discovered a sensational person with whom things are perfect, as it should be."​
"When I decided to access Simona’s workshop, I wouldn’t have thought my life would change so spectacular, but I was just curious about what I would learn about my soul.
Soul's Next Desire workshop gave me the right information that helped me to change my perspective in my entire life.
Two weeks after I found my soul's desire and I have started to take action towards achieving it, I discovered a sensational person with whom things are perfect, as it should be, with which I feel completely aligned with my soul, with whom I feel fully loved and who receives my love with pleasure and joy. It still seems to me not true … although fortunately, it is and I am very grateful for these things ?! Merci, dear Simona!"
Eugenia Haloiu ~ Project Manager
This training won’t be around forever…
… and it won’t always be at this great price. 
So, decide NOW to create a ripple effect in your entire life by manifesting fast everything you wnat.

This offer is for a LIMITED TIME ONLY, so get it while it lasts!
Soul's Next Desire
Are you ready to have it all?

Lesson 1: The Alignment & Abundance Code

(Value £197)

Lesson 2: Soul Next Desire

(Value £197)

Lesson 3: Activate Soul’s Next Desire
(Value £67)

Lesson 4: Accelerated Action Plan

(Value £97)

Lesson 5: Sabotage Buster

(Value £97)

Bonus 1: Bye-bye Procrastination - Workshop
(Value £97)

Bonus 2: Drama Buster - Workbook 

(Value £97)

Bonus 3: Course Correction - Workshop

(Value £47)

Bonus 4: Self-doubt Cure - Workshop

(Value £47)
Are you curious to know your soul’s next desire? 
You can know in THE NEXT HOUR.
Total Value = (£943)
Today's price = £37
"Now I have back my way of manifesting in the Universe what my Soul was longing for."​
'Simona is one of the best coaches, mentors and visionary I've met in my life. She helped me to come again close to my state of being where I feel empowered, master of my dreams and my abilities with an inner Joy to go forward. 
This after a really hard period of being a single mother abroad after a separation and bad new relationship. Soul's next desire workshop and Simona's tools helped me to feel really confident from the beginning on. 
I followed the program as much engaged in it as I could, and managed to change completely my love life and self-confidence. I believed again in my big and small dreams as I used to do, and had back my way of manifesting in the Universe what my being was longing for - in this Simona's role was crucial as she listened to her intuition and also believed in my capacity of manifesting the money needed, as I did.
Now I'm living between three countries while doing my performance artist work and having a growing relationship with a man I met on Valentine's Day in such romantic circumstances I would have never even imagined before! Huge Gratitude for finding her!'
Riikka Kosola ~ Artist and International Dancer
Frequently Asked Questions
I've been searching for this for my entire life, how can I believe that it could be achieved in the next hour?  
Your Soul's Next Desire is one goal that makes part of your entire list of desires. With the right system you can identify it in less than one hour. And then this workshop will give you the next steps, everything you need to activate your soul's desire through taking the right actions in the right order. Just having the resources and training ready to go in your back pocket - will be worth the small price of £37.
How do I actually make sure I do this correctly?
This system includes everything you need to identify fast your Soul's Next Desire and activate through actions the right energies to manifest what you want. YOU CAN DO THIS. The only person standing in the way of your success is you.
What if I just can't do it on my own?
Don't worry about that! I run events each month that you can join and I'll happily guide you through the process. You'll also have access to 1500 other single women to cheer you on within our free Facebook group, Bloom your love life. Whether this product is a good fit for you or not, I'd love to see you in my community.
When do I get access to the files and membership area?
You will receive an email immediately after your purchase, giving you the link to access your membership portal with all of the files and videos.
How much time is required?

I did my best to give you the exact information you need to identify fast your Soul's Next Desire and to create a plan of actions that will activate all the energies to manifest fast what you want (less than one hour). I included no more and no less. There is no fluff, no space fillers included. Every class gets straight to the point and gives you exactly what you need to know, delivered in a way that’s easy to understand and implement. 
What type of person does this workshop worked the best for? 
This workshop works for almost anyone who wants to have it all. If you can’t manifest what you want, if you can't find your soul's purpose, if you know that should be easier and you want to work less and have more pleasure and fun then this is the right solution for you.
Who does this NOT work for?

This does not work for the ones who are looking for a magic pill to manifest what they want. This will not work if you aren’t willing to be committed to your goals and to take new actions.
How long can I keep it for?

You keep access for the life of the program.

Are you curious to know your soul’s next desire? 
You can know in THE NEXT HOUR.

This comprehensive, step-by-step program will teach you – in a practical and tangible way – how to create clarity about your Soul's Next Desire.

The end result? Finally attracting what you want.

Stop wasting any more time and money on expensive and futile methods that fail to arm you with the practical tools you need now, today and – instead – choose to accelerate your results the easy way.
Soul's Next Desire
Are you ready to have it all?

Lesson 1: The Alignment & Abundance Code

(Value £197)

Lesson 2: Soul Next Desire

(Value £197)

Lesson 3: Activate Soul’s Next Desire
(Value £67)

Lesson 4: Accelerated Action Plan

(Value £97)

Lesson 5: Sabotage Buster

(Value £97)

Bonus 1: Bye-bye Procrastination - Workshop
(Value £97)

Bonus 2: Drama Buster - Workbook 

(Value £97)

Bonus 3: Course Correction - Workshop

(Value £47)

Bonus 4: Self-doubt Cure - Workshop

(Value £47)
Are you curious to know your soul’s next desire? 
You can know in THE NEXT HOUR.
Total Value = (£943)
Today's price = £37

More Soul's Next Desire Achieved...

Soul's Next Desire
Are you ready to have it all?

Lesson 1: The Alignment & Abundance Code

(Value £197)

Lesson 2: Soul Next Desire

(Value £197)

Lesson 3: Activate Soul’s Next Desire
(Value £67)

Lesson 4: Accelerated Action Plan

(Value £97)

Lesson 5: Sabotage Buster

(Value £97)

Bonus 1: Bye-bye Procrastination - Workshop
(Value £97)

Bonus 2: Drama Buster - Workbook 

(Value £97)

Bonus 3: Course Correction - Workshop

(Value £47)

Bonus 4: Self-doubt Cure - Workshop

(Value £47)
Are you curious to know your soul’s next desire? 
You can know in THE NEXT HOUR.
Total Value = (£943)
Today's price = £37
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