Find True Lasting Love With Your Soulmate 
In Less Than 12 Weeks

With a proven live coaching program that helps you to attract a man who has all the qualities you want ... 
especially if everything else has failed.

Normal Price £1500
Until December 25th

Did You Know That A Single Lady Is 
Starting New Serious Relationship 
At Every 5-7 Years?

let's address the elephant in the room...

There Are Three Big Problems In Your Love Life Right Now

Problem N°1

You are attracting the wrong men.

You don't want to settle in a boring relationship or be a second in any man's life. You are over being stuck in the wrong relationship, dating uncommitted, emotionally unavailable and financially unstable men, who friend zoned you or just want to have only sex with benefits.

You are done.

Problem N°2

It feels that your future is on hold.

You want to build a life with the right man, to travel and see the world, to build a business or a family and eventually to have kids, but you are stuck in limbo because you haven't been able to find and attract the right man who has all the qualities you want.

You are stuck. 

Problem N°3

You are a high-achieving woman except in this area.

You tried lots of solutions but nothing worked, such as: affirmations, meditations, to think positively, be grateful, to grow self-love, Yoga, EFT, NLP, RTT, theta healing and all kinds of coaching programs.

You don't want to give up but you don't know what to do. 

And worst of all, you are secretly fear that you are just not attractive enough, feminine enough, financially stable enough,
that you are not skinny enough, too old or a single mum,
to experience mutual & passionate love.


The Divine Truth is...

At the Soul level we aren't meant to be alone.
 There is the right man to love you out there.

How many of you can relate to one
of these scenario?
But who am I to make that bold claim. 
Let me tell you my story.

I was dumped by my fiance …

I just moved to a brand new city, I was in a new engineering job, I had no friends, no emotional support, feeling not attractive at all, being overweight and I didn't know even how to flirt.

I spent the next 90 days in tears and denial. I was hoping that he will come back because a friend of mine who was a clairvoyant told me that he is my soulmate and I will get married at 25 years old with him.

When I finally dried my eyes and got out of bed, an astrologer told me that I just have bad karma in the relationship field and that I should accept being alone for the rest of my life.

Being alone wasn't an option.  

Therefore I became obsessed to find WHY and THE SOLUTION.

I tried everything...

After 5 years of trying everything (astrology, numerology, Reiki, Shamanic procedures, Theta Healing. I was able to help my friends to attract the right man and have clients, even I was alone), my breakthrough was that I realized I had commitment issues. I didn't want to get hurt again and be abandoned.

And as soon as I fixed and uplift my commitment level and got aligned with all the details of my desired love life, 2 weeks later I met Alex, my husband.

And this life path gave me a great solution for ladies like me, which are high-achievers and don't want to give up. I already helped over 500 women to overcome their fears and find love with the right guy

This live love coaching program will help you attract & choose the right man and then to build lasting love relationship — using a proven system. This works whether:

► You are single, in or after a divorce process, heartbroken or wounded
►  You are in a complicated relationship, long-distance or uncommitted one
► You didn't have a long relationship until now
► You don't know how to date or build a relationship

There IS A WAY to attract only quality men (Committed, Emotionally Available, Financially Stable) without using complicated dating tactics, manipulating or pretending to be someone you are not (because who wants to start a relationship with someone by walking on eggshells?).
There IS A WAY to attract FAST your Soulmate, while being more aligned with your True Self and by boosting your self-love and confidence (because who has months and years to dedicate only to a dating process?).
There IS A WAY to start and maintain an amazing lasting love relationship while amplifying your abundance in your entire life (because who wants to be alone forever or to end-up in a compromised relationship?).
I'm going to tell you right now how I've created a predictable process that can be used without getting hurt AGAIN, spending months and months in a painful dating process, therapies, coaching sessions, repeating endless affirmations or meditations.
" I met him after 4 weeks of being in the program. Now I'm married with him."​
Sonia was 5 simple steps apart from meeting her Soulmate!
"Simona's program is so great. I had exactly the right step to date and knew how to move myself into action. I could easily be motivated along the way until I reached my dream – to meet my Soulmate. I met him after 4 weeks of being in the program. Now I'm married with him. He proposed me after 6 months of being together.  I am happy that I found her program. Looking forward to still work with her in the future."
Sonia Soumia ~ Personal Trainer
Imagine what your love life would look like, if you:
Attract a man who wants the same thing as You do and has all the qualities You Are looking for.
Have Near you a man who is emotionally available, financially stable and ready to build a family.
Have a passionate love with your soulmate who wants A mutual long term relationship And where you are both able to expand and not settle in. 
Lasting Love Blueprint

1. To Attract Quality Dates You Need Soul-Aligned Clarity And A Clear Divine Intention

2. Attracting The Right Man Needs Totally New Actions aligned with your love intention

3. Choosing your Soulmate Needs Knowledge Of Your Unique Manifestation Blueprint

4. Having Lasting Love Relationship Needs Commitment And Consistency AND Lasting Love Divine Code

How I Created The Lasting Love Blueprint...
Bloom Your Love Life
Alignment Program
A powerful step by step group coaching program 
to attract & choose the right man to Marry. 

I packed all my experience and what my clients get in my VIP one on one coaching program, into an online program, where you come in with your love desire, create a plan with soul-aligned actions, educate to attract & choose the right man and then build a lasting love relationship.

Here's how your soul will meet the right man...

Soulmates are attracted at two levels: practical and energetical
The entire fundamentals of this program are based on: 

Start applying a married woman's mindset today.
Align your small daily actions that lead to big results quickly.
Clear any & all residual fears that is holding you back to be 100% available for your soulmate. 
Module 1: Soul-Aligned Clarity
We'll answer the most important question you ask yourself: What Do I Really Want?

In this module, we'll get holistic clarity at both: your divine level and your conscious & practical level for what exactly you want.

You are going to define this clarity internally rather than responding to what you think is available externally for you or what you think men want. Let's just start to answer this most important question so then to attract without any doubt the right man
Get clarity with:

• Set yourself up for your love success (ensuring you WILL start with the right mindset)
Get clear with what you want to happen in your love life (make the whole process easier and achievable from day one)
• Build healthy boundaries that will prevent you from attracting and choosing the wrong guys (no more being afraid of getting hurt)
Module 2: Divine Planning
Now that you know what you want, we need to speed up your results by aligning what you want with your daily actions.

Let's avoid the biggest mistake most people make, that their actions aren't aligned with what they really want.
Speed up your results by:

• Building your divine planning full of soul-aligned actions (for a balance life)
• Prioritizing those actions that will be aligned with what you really want to attract the right man (activate fast your love intention)
Avoiding working harder then it’s necessary (no more 100's of painful dates)
Module 3: Soulmate Dating Tool Kit
Soulmate Dating Tool Kit will help you with:
• You'll learn how to use any dating site
• You will learn how to screen out the men that will never be right for you
• You will learn how to attract quality men anywhere, anytime and flirt with your soul

Unlike other courses that teach you concepts about dating with scripts, manipulation or behaving in a specific way, in this module you will learn to attract fast with your energy the right man, doesn’t matter if you will use online dating or traditional style. 
Attracting & Choosing the right man with:

• Learn to quickly and confidently screen out men not right for you so you can start dating "Mr. Right" FASTER (Goodbye painful dates 👋 ).
• Guarantee to have a dating process that EXCEEDS the expectations on your idea of dating
Module 4: Building Momentum & Course Correction Strategy
As you begin to build momentum these are the tools we'll use to stay on track.

In this module, you will learn how to self-correct your course of actions so you can keep building momentum in the right direction. I'm going to show you where you might go out of the rails and we'll make sure that you don't do that. 
Also the Manifestation Engine and the benefits of  
"The 1% of Compound Effect"
The must-have tools that will keep you on track:

• Identify fast the right man
• Understand what made you choose wrong ones till now
• Identify your unique ways of thinking that can be used in your choosing process that will prevent you to choose wrongly again
• Eliminate the fear of ending in a compromised relationship
Module 5: Lasting Love Divine Code
These are the tools and mindset you need to make sure you maintain your loving relationship for years to come.
What makes the difference between a simple relationship and an amazing love life? The right commitment and consistency! We’ll show you how!
We’re going to show you how to make your love life an amazing, committed experience, from the moment you will start the relationship. And then to be able to maintain easy so to concentrate in building something much bigger, like wealth for your children.

Maintain an amazing relationship with:

• Learn to commit and be consistent
• Learn to apply these principles in your love life and your entire life
How to build your relationship into something so much bigger for both of you

And NOW for the HOT BONUSES!

BONUS 1: Love Mental Metamorphosis
Break All Your Old Patterns That's Holding You Back

We’ve included a special module directly from our VIP program that will help you to overcome all your negative love beliefs and patterns. Never feel that something is wrong with you. 
Plus an Extra Bonus - My step by step TOP FIVE self-coaching tools that will help you to work with your subconscious to change and overcome any negative beliefs, patterns or fears. I use these coaching tools for more than 10 years with my VIP clients for fast and permanent results.

BONUS 2: Love Medicine

Heal Your Past: You Should NOT Stay More Than TWO Weeks In Healing Your Past And Wounds, No Matter What Happen

In this module you have everything included to heal your past, childhood traumas, daddy issues, wounds, fears, Chakras, inner child and so much more. Everything you need to clear your path and be open and ready for the right man. No more: I'm not enough or ready for true love.

BONUS 3: Lasting Love Readiness Assessment

This amazing love test will clearly identify if you need healing first or mindset or maybe you need to start with focused & aligned actions.

 This test will give you clarity of how ready you are for starting a lasting love relationship and what you need to improve.
BONUS 4:  2 Months Access To Alignment & Abundance Club

Experience more pear support, coaching, mindset, healing and actions brainstorming?

In 60 days take full advantage of:

Group coaching calls every 2 weeks where you can come and receive coaching and lots of in-depth support. 
2 months access to every single love question that you can have. 
• Intuitive readings & clearings Q&A
Mindset and Healing Hacks Q&A
• Aligned focused actions brainstorming Sesh. 

In total 8 Group Coaching Sessions with me and a private group where you can ask me questions 24/7.


SUPER BONUS 1:  Bloom Your Income

Do you want to have it all? Therefore, I introduced as BONUS - lifetime access to my signature Bloom Your Income Online Program. This program will help you to align your income together with your love life. In this program you will learn how to structure your income so to earn more money, attract better job opportunities and more clients. This is the training that will teach you the most important 2 energy that money represents. You will know what energy you need to contain so to be able to attract fast more money, so to eliminate the fear of investing in yourself and recovering your investment. 

SUPER BONUS 2:  Private Session With Simona

One hour private coaching session with myself at zero additional cost. You might know that I no longer really accept private students, unless it's really important and one hour with me is £2000. But because I really want to make sure that the action takers who this program really spoke to get everything right and are on the right track to success, I'm going to give you a full hour live one on one video call through zoom or Skype or Google Hangouts with you at a zero additional cost.

Bloom Your Love Life
Alignment Program
Are you ready to settle down with a man who wants the same things in life as you do?

Lifetime Access To:

Module 1: Soul-Aligned Clarity 

Module 2: Divine Planning

Module 3: Soulmate Dating Tool Kit

Module 4: Building Momentum & Course Correction Strategy

Module 5: Lasting Love Divine Code

Bonus 1: Love Mental Metamorphosis 

Bonus 2: Love Medicine

Bonus 3: Lasting Love Readiness Assessment

We work with committed, busy, successful and ambitious professional women who are ready to attract their Soulmate and build an amazing long-lasting relationship in less than 2 months.

Normal Price £1500
Until December 25th
What People Said​...
"I met a man I feel very well with and I’m enjoying every moment without being afraid to be rejected anymore both in love relationships and in business."
I met Simona on October 2018. I was going through a lot of pain. Although I know I need help I was trying to procrastinate again to take care of myself.
I attracted always weird men and they didn’t want to start a relationship with me.

It was the right decision: during the program, I connect with what I want and truly understand what makes me happy. I changed my patterns, I transformed my behavior, I attracted higher quality of men.

Now I’m able again to be in a relationship and my dream is becoming real. I met a man I feel very well with and I’m enjoying every moment without being afraid to be rejected anymore both in love relationships and in business.

Life is much more simple and love is everywhere. This program is priceless and the investment has already returned.
Mirella Facchinetti ~ CEO at Colibri Glocal Business Creators GmbH
"We spend almost all the time together, I, he and my kids. We are ready to live together and create our home. I feel loved."
I'm 38, divorced, I have 3 kids. I thought that that's impossible - to find a man who is able to accept me and my kids. Now I know that everything is possible. :) We spend almost all the time together, I, he and my kids. We are ready to live together and create our home. I feel loved.
Everything is much simpler and easier if I know what I want and if I act for it. 🙂

I know that my next step will be my own business. You showed me The Way.

We (me and my partner) have a flight to Iceland today. We start our holidays for 2 weeks!!!! I feel really happy.

Everything is different this time. No drama, no strong emotions - only a lot of hugs, kisses, conversations, dreams... I feel safe. This is quite a new experience for me.

Thank you, Simona. You are my best investment ever💛💛🧡"
Vitalija Pilipauskaitė ~ Author
"Now I'm living between three countries while doing my performance artist work and having a growing relationship with a man I met on Valentine's Day in such romantic circumstances."
"Simona is one of the best coaches, mentors and visionary I've met in my life. She helped me to come again close to my state of being where I feel empowered, master of my dreams and my abilities with an inner Joy to go forward. This after a really hard period of being a single mother abroad after a separation and bad new relationship that had something that I had really big difficulties to leave behind. I followed the program as much engaged in it as I could, and managed to change completely my love life and self-confidence. Now I'm living between three countries while doing my performance artist work and having a growing relationship with a man I met on Valentine's Day in such romantic circumstances I would have never even imagined before! Huge Gratitude for finding her program!"
Riikka Kosola ~ Artist and International Dancer
Bloom Your Love Life
Alignment Program
Are you ready to settle down with a man who wants the same things in life as you do?

Lifetime Access To:

Module 1: Soul-Aligned Clarity 

Module 2: Divine Planning

Module 3: Soulmate Dating Tool Kit

Module 4: Building Momentum & Course Correction Strategy

Module 5: Lasting Love Divine Code

Bonus 1: Love Mental Metamorphosis 

Bonus 2: Love Medicine

Bonus 3: Lasting Love Readiness Assessment

Bonus 4: 2 Months Access To Alignment & Abundance Club

We work with committed, busy, successful and ambitious professional women who are ready to attract their Soulmate and build an amazing long-lasting relationship in less than 2 months.

Normal Price £1500
Until December 25th
" I feel confident: about the man who is next to me but most of all about myself."​

'Yesterday I finished my 3-month program (that, of course, I decided to prolong with a subscription to all Q&A) and I feel like sharing with all of you the great progress this experience brought into my life.
Three months ago I was so lost, so confused about almost everything: my emotions, what I really wanted from a relation, from a man, from myself being in a relationship. I felt scared, confused, I felt I had to profoundly heal myself and feel 'enough'.
During these three months, clarity grew bigger and bigger, self-confidence followed, self-esteem replaced fears and uncertainty.
It was not miraculous, I went through tough times. On top of those, the relation I started during these three months failed, but I was super quick to recover from it thanks to Simona's words and advice. She really enlightened me.
Now I have just started a new relationship and I feel confident: about the man who is next to me but most of all about myself.
Of course, I am still learning, that's why I will continue to be with you in the Q&A and I am happy that whenever I feel off track, this awesome program developed by this awesome lady will be right there to keep me focused.
Thanks, Simona Anghel'
Elena Cellai ~ Project Manager
Bloom Your Love Life
Alignment Program
Are you ready to settle down with a man who wants the same things in life as you do?

We work with committed, busy, successful and ambitious professional women who are ready to attract their Soulmate and build an amazing long-lasting relationship in less than 2 months.

Normal Price £1500
Until December 25th
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time is required?
This program is designed to get results in 12 weeks but you have the freedom to choose the amount of time you put into implementing this program. 

So if you will invest 25 – 30 min per day for 100 days you will achieve your goal. Imagine if you will allocate 1 hour per day. That means in 1 month and a half you can be already with your dream man. Isn’t that cool?

Likewise, if you only put 1% of your time per week, it's gonna take you over a year.

What if this is not working for me?
You are protected by the action-oriented guarantee, however, this is a big question for you. Because this is not a magic pill program. This program will give you results based on the amount of actions you are willing to put into it. 
 If you will do the work and you will go through the entire program, you will take the action and you will interact with your peers and me then nothing can stop you to achieve your love goals.
Plus, I added everything you need to fix your love life. The thought that it could not work for you will disappear from the moment you start to take action inside of the program because you are going to see fast results.

When do I get access to the files and membership area?
You will receive an email immediately after your purchase, giving you the link to access your membership portal with all of the files and videos.
What type of single women is this training meant for?

This program works for almost any single woman who wants to date online and offline, who is struggling to choose the right man, who feels not good enough, who wants a stable, committed, mutual lasting love relationship with a man that meets all the qualities. If you can’t have dates, or you can’t choose the right men, or you are attracting the ones that you don’t like or if you can’t pass the 3, 4 weeks dating mark.
Who does this NOT work for?

This does not work for single women who are looking for a magic pill to solve their love life. This will not work if you aren’t willing to be committed to solve your love life, to take new action and to work with yourself.
How long can I keep it for?

You keep access for the life of the program.
How do I actually make sure I do this correctly?

That's why we have live coaching calls that will help you with course-correcting your actions and mindset. Plus the 4th Module is all about Course-Correction. We anticipated that and we added in the program to be sure that you are on track. 

This system includes everything you need to attract dates, quality men, be able to choose the right one, start and maintain an amazing lasting love relationship. The best way to be accountable is to see connect daily with your vision, your ideal man and relationship. Guess what. YOU CAN DO THIS. The only person standing in the way of your success is you.

Are you ready to settle down with a man who wants the same things in life as you do?

This comprehensive, step-by-step program will teach you – in a practical and tangible way – how to create clarity in your love life and build an efficient strategy to attracting dates. 

The end result? Finally settling down with a man who wants the same thing as you do!

Stop wasting any more time and money on expensive and futile methods that fail to arm you with the practical tools you need now, today and – instead – choose to accelerate your results the easy way.
Bloom Your Love Life
Alignment Program
Are you ready to settle down with a man who wants the same things in life as you do?

We work with committed, busy, successful and ambitious professional women who are ready to attract their Soulmate and build an amazing long-lasting relationship in less than 2 months.

Normal Price £1500
Until December 25th

More Happy Endings...

This training won’t be around forever…

 … and it won’t always be at this great price.
So, decide NOW to make the second most important commitment of your life (behind that which you will make to your soulmate, of course!).

This offer is for a LIMITED TIME ONLY, so get it while it lasts!

It’s YOUR TURN to Have an amazing and committed lasting love that will bust your self-confidence and change your life forever.
How many times have you scrolled on Facebook, seen an ad for a FREE love course that promised an amazing result… but you getting inside you realised that everything is not tangible and practical?
Yea, I know. Me too.
How many times have you STARTED a love course and then abandoned it because you got to Module 3 and were paralyzed by where to start dating or choosing the right man?

Maybe you bought a big coaching program but by the time you got through working with that coach, you hated the content and never wanted to do something more?

All of these reasons and more might be why you haven’t achieved your love goal yet, or are feeling nervous to dive in with Bloom Your Love Life – Alignment Program.
Let this day be the last day you ever have any of those “Why this is not working for me?” feelings EVER AGAIN.
Bloom Your Love Life
Alignment Program
Are you ready to settle down with a man who wants the same things in life as you do?

We work with committed, busy, successful and ambitious professional women who are ready to attract their Soulmate and build an amazing long-lasting relationship in less than 2 months.

Normal Price £1500
Until December 25th - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions
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