Let Me Ask You...
Is This The Truth You Are Living Right Now?

You thought that you would have achieved more success by now.

You watch other people with less qualifications who put a lot less effort into their life, having amazing families and businesses, enjoying themselves, going on trips and achieving all their dreams.

And you feel like you're being passed over for an exciting stimulating life.

And working more hours isn't the solution for you.

Deep down in your heart, you know that it should be much easier.

But you don’t know exactly what is it, what your soul is crying out for 
or even what's possible.

you've tried working harder and that just makes you more miserable. That's not getting you anywhere.
You've tried meditating, repeating affirmations, thinking positively and being grateful. You've tried courses about manifestation and law of attraction. You even tried NLP and RTT to change your beliefs and blocks. But it seems that all the time you have more work to do.

In your heart of hearts, you know that these tactics aren't going to get you the exciting pleasurable life that you want.

You gain a little bit of ground, but it never takes you to cross the finish line. You never manifest fully what you want. You get incremental improvements, but you never manifest into the destiny that you want
This isn’t your destiny!
And the divine truth is:
It's really about understanding your Alignment Code!
Your Soul Gifts
What Your Soul Wants
Soul Aligned Actions
Once you get those three aligned, it will move mountains in your entire life and let you design your destiny.
That is the only difference between the people that you see traveling in exotic destinations, having exciting lives with amazing friends, working with pleasure in their businesses or jobs and loving every minute of it...

With over...

Working with soul alignment as a mentor, astrologer, coach and psychic.

More than 500 ladies already aligned with their destiny and soul gifts.

My methodology is a mixture of 

and once you’re in the Alignment & Abundance Code Club, you’ll get the benefit of all the wisdom and knowledge I’ve developed over the years!

Imagine what your life would look like, if you:
Create a balance life and Achieve Financial abundance that would be stability for many generations in my family.
Build an amazing love life where everything is growing 
Attract More Money, Better Opportunities, More Clients and accelerate your abundance and success.

To be perfectly honest, the Alignment Code is not a do it yourself.

You can't be objective and disciplined enough by yourself to define and BALANCE 

Because your EGO will try to sabotage your actions all the time when you will slightly step outside of your comfort zone by trying something new. And going against of your ego to achieve your goals is not the solution.

Plus there's a disconnect between your divine self and all these strategies that you're trying to apply. You're trying to come at it from busy work. You're trying to come at it from tactics.

And that's why I developed the Alignment Code because the MAINSTREAM TACTICS or going against of your EGO will never get you there.

The alignment code is where you identify exactly what your soul is, wants and acts.

Once you understand that, then you will align everything else in your life to support your desires. And the universe has no choice, but to respond to it.

Once it's in alignment everything will be 
like a domino effect.
What happens if just one of those dominoes is out of place?
And That's Why I Developed Not Only The Alignment Code, But I Created A Group Specifically For Those Of You, Because You're Too Close To It To Be Objective.
This is the moment you choose the lives that you're going to have. This is the moment you choose your destiny so to finally get to the finish line.

This Is Not About More Tactics.
It’s The Must-Have Alignment Strategy And
Live Support To Get It Done.


The Divine Truth is...

You can have it all!

How many of you can relate to one
of these scenario?

There IS A WAY to attract only quality men (Committed, Emotionally Available, Financially Stable) without using complicated dating tactics, manipulating or pretending to be someone you are not (because who wants to start a relationship with someone by walking on eggshells?).
There IS A WAY to attract FAST your Soulmate, while being more aligned with your True Self and by boosting your self-love and confidence (because who has months and years to dedicate only to a dating process?).
There IS A WAY to start and maintain an amazing lasting love relationship while amplifying your abundance in your entire life (because who wants to be alone forever or to end-up in a compromised relationship?).
I'm going to tell you right now how I've created a predictable process that can be used without getting hurt AGAIN, spending months and months in a painful dating process, therapies, coaching sessions, repeating endless affirmations or meditations.
"I shifted from lethargy and some stubborn personality traits to being more alive and empowered."
Barbara went from being single to building her dream relationship and business.
I am so grateful and thankful for working with Simona. She has very unique knowledge, skills and gifts which help with personal transformation and results in real life.
I have myself personally shifted from lethargy and some stubborn personality traits to being more alive and empowered.
The relationship with my parents improved, got more balanced life and still a lot of good things are ahead of me. I am given freedom in my process but also pushed to do more and have better results in all areas of my life.
She has valuable advise for all areas: business, relationships, sexuality. She has the tools to clear mental blocks, toxic self believes and what's important she will made you take the right actions to achieve your goals.
I recommend working with her. She is diligent and always available to respond to any question. Her services are priceless and I am happy I can afford them now. Just jump into working with her and allow yourself have better life. 🙂
Barbara Wilkos ~ Credit Controller
Here’s how manifestation REALLY works...
Domino #1
Soul Aligned Intentions
Choose the destiny you really want to have.
Domino #2
Soul Aligned Actions
Only take actions toward your intentions.
Domino #3
Activate the Right Energies to bring it into reality
Here’s how Coders get it done...
Live Q&A calls
(£2,000 value)

Four live coaching calls with Simona per month to hold you accountable to live an aligned and abundant life. 
Bring ALL your questions to the live Q&A Calls and get the support you need! Whether you have a question about your purpose, love, money, abundance, negative beliefs, blocks etc.,
I cover all of those topics AND MORE on the calls.
Access To A Private Facebook Group with 24/7 support.
(£500 value)

Hang out with other Coders in the group to stay accountable, engaged and connected with amazing ladies who understand your language! You can post your questions any time to receive Simona's support.
Access To My Private Library
(£1,000 value)

Access to my private library of 500 hours of recorded coaching sessions where you get to watch, or listen to, real-life coaching sessions such as how to create more abundance, how to find my souls purpose, how to feel worthy, how to set boundaries, why did I create this drama in my life and more...

And NOW for the HOT BONUSES!

In addition to live coaching sessions and live Q&A in the group, you get monthly sessions inside the Facebook Group to speed up your results with personalized feedback:

BONUS 1: Intuitive Reading & Clearing Sessions
(£500 value)

Find your main blocks and root-cause of your problems.

Mindset Sessions
(£500 value)

Tools to shift your beliefs, patterns and fears.

Healing Sessions
(£1000 value)

Heal your past where you’re stuck. Heal those blocks you don’t even know are holding you back.

BONUS 4: Action Brainstorming Sessions
(£500 value)

For course-correcting your actions with totally new ones.
BONUS 5: Lasting Love Readiness Assessment

This amazing love test will clearly identify if you need healing first or mindset or maybe you need to start with focused & aligned actions.

 This test will give you clarity of how ready you are for starting a lasting love relationship and what you need to improve.


SUPER BONUS 1:  Bloom Your Income

Do you want to have it all? Therefore, I introduced as BONUS - lifetime access to my signature Bloom Your Income Online Program. This program will help you to align your income together with your love life. In this program you will learn how to structure your income so to earn more money, attract better job opportunities and more clients. This is the training that will teach you the most important 2 energy that money represents. You will know what energy you need to contain so to be able to attract fast more money, so to eliminate the fear of investing in yourself and recovering your investment. 

SUPER BONUS 2:  Private Session With Simona

One hour private coaching session with myself at zero additional cost. You might know that I no longer really accept private students, unless it's really important and one hour with me is £2000. But because I really want to make sure that the action takers who this program really spoke to get everything right and are on the right track to success, I'm going to give you a full hour live one on one video call through zoom or Skype or Google Hangouts with you at a zero additional cost.


Why waste one more day not living up to your Soul’s Standards.
Every second that you are aligned with your soul's next desire makes your life easier...makes it flow. 

 In ONE HOUR you can turbo-charge manifestation
You can achieve your goals, get ease and happiness so much faster.

It’s like bypassing every block that’s ever held you back from your true manifestation.

Soul's Next Desire - Value £943

Alignment & Abundance Code Club
Are you ready to chance your Destiny?

Live Q&A Calls - 2 sessions per month

Private Facebook Group - with 24/7 support.

Access to my private library of 300 hours of recorded coaching sessions 

Bonus 1: Intuitive reading &clearing Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 2: Mindset Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 3: Healing Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 4: Action Brainstorming Sessions - ones per month

Super Bonus: Access to Soul's Next Desire Workshop

Total Value = (£6,943 GBP)
Today's Monthly Payment = £97
What People Said​...
"When I start to connect with my Alignment Code, I attracted people who are committed to share and love."
"I was exactly like this woman before working with Simona - hard working and unhappy.

After my divorce my job became my family. The more I worked the more I felt frustrated. And I attracted only men who didn’t want to commit with me. Firstly, I started to attract more committed men and even if the relationships didn’t last for long time I could open my heart more and more and experience my vulnerability.

It’s an amazing journey and when you start to connect with your Alignment Code you attract people who are committed to share and love. The best learning I got from Simona is: stop blaming others. It’s not about them , it’s about you. Be the first. Others are our mirrors.

I definitely recommend Simona. 🌈✨❤️"
Mirella Facchinetti ~ CEO at Colibri Glocal Business Creators GmbH
"As soon as I join Simona’s AA Club, I start healing all my wounds, setting the right mind-set to reach my life goals."
"I subscribed to Alignment & Abundance Club knowing because I was looking for some guidance in my Love Life, but joining the Group the fantastic Simona ability to coach in a wide range of life aspects with her signature Alignment Code has been totally game changing! 

As soon as I join Simona’s AA Club, I start healing all my wounds, setting the right mind-set to reach my life goals. 

Before I was skeptical and blocked about the chance to meet the right man. Now I’m on my way and I know that it’s a matter of few more dates to find my soulmate, because I recognize that it’s all about me when I start to use the powerful tools from Simona Club.

She helps all the ladies in the group to grow and find soul alignment also in our professional level and for me it’s really an inspiring and energetically reach virtual square to stay. I love it!

Thank you Simona Anghel 💖🌟"
Elena Ninu ~ Chemistry R&D researcher
"Now I'm living between three countries while doing my performance artist work, building my business and having a growing relationship with a man I met on Valentine's Day in such romantic circumstances."
"Simona is one of the best coaches, mentors and visionary I've met in my life. She helped me to come again close to my state of being where I feel empowered, master of my dreams and my abilities with an inner Joy to go forward. This after a really hard period of being a single mother abroad after a separation and bad new relationship that had something that I had really big difficulties to leave behind. I followed her guidance and managed to change completely my life. Now I'm living between three countries while doing my performance artist work, building my business and having a growing relationship with a man I met on Valentine's Day in such romantic circumstances I would have never even imagined before! Huge Gratitude for finding her!"
Riikka Kosola ~ Artist and International Dancer
Your life’s happiness should not be left up to chance or

It is impossible to be objective about our own lives, especially when you are dealing with subconscious beliefs, fears and patterns.

That’s why you’re still struggling!

We all need a mirror and feedback when the topic is ourselves and you’re emotionally involved.

I created this Club to offer an affordable way to get that professional objective feedback and repeatable framework to manifest anything you want in your life … anytime.
Lasting Love Blueprint

1. To Attract Quality Dates You Need Soul-Aligned Clarity And A Clear Divine Intention

2. Attracting The Right Man Needs Totally New Actions aligned with your love intention

3. Choosing your Soulmate Needs Knowledge Of Your Unique Manifestation Blueprint

4. Having Lasting Love Relationship Needs Commitment And Consistency AND Lasting Love Divine Code

How I Created The Lasting Love Blueprint...
Alignment & Abundance Code Club
Are you ready to chance your Destiny?

Live Q&A Calls - 2 sessions per month

Private Facebook Group - with 24/7 support.

Access to my private library of 300 hours of recorded coaching sessions 

Bonus 1: Intuitive reading &clearing Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 2: Mindset Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 3: Healing Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 4: Action Brainstorming Sessions - ones per month

Super Bonus: Access to Soul's Next Desire Workshop

Total Value = (£6,943 GBP)
Today's Monthly Payment = £97
"It worked so well for my love life that now I am certain it will be another success."
"I approached Simona after the umpteenth love catastrophe, in August 2019. I was really fed up with love and men, and on the one hand I wanted to stay alone for the rest of my life, on the other one I did not want to give up on my future satisfaction. 

The program is demanding, in the sense that you have to truly commit, to sincerely follow it, to be honest with yourself, to undercover parts of you or your life you would rather escape from, but Simona was always there to motivate, to praise, to encourage, to find the right words at the right time.

Result: in December 2019 I met my partner and we started a committed and satisfying relationship, that endured and strengthened during the pandemic. 

It worked so well for my love life that now I have joined Alignment & Abundance Code Club to create abundance and alignment in my career. I am certain it will be another success. Thanks, Simona Anghel'
Elena Cellai ~ Project Manager
We get down to business right away...

 (You can do this on your own timeline, but I strongly encourage you to “start here” and get it done right away.)

In your first 5 days, you will:
1. Finally have 100% clarity about what your heart really wants … and be excited to go after it
2. No question about what your soul wants … and happy to feed it.
3. The EXACT actions you need to take (and what you can skip doing)
4. The ENERGIES you need to activate to make it real
Let this day be the last day you ever have any of those “Why this is not working for me?” feelings EVER AGAIN.
Get Alignment & Abundance Code Club for £97/month and build the best life you’ve dreamed about it!
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the membership?
This is a monthly membership program with no long-term commitment. You can stay as long as you want. 
How is this membership program different from others out there?
I know there are several other Manifestation membership programs you can choose from. While I can’t speak to how good or bad the others are, what I can tell you is that I don’t hold anything back. I share things other experts would never tell you. In the Alignment & Abundance Code Club, I generously share my knowledge and expertise with members and give them the support and guidance they need to confidently use the most powerful manifestation, alignment and mindset tools.
When are the Q&A calls?
Q&A calls take place every week. You will be announce in the group in advance. All calls are recorded so you can watch at a later time if you can’t be there live.
What is your refund policy?
This is a monthly membership program so you can stay as long as you want! You can cancel your membership at any time simply by shooting us an email to contact@bloomyourlovelife.com. You will retain access until your current payment period is complete. At that time, access to all Alignment & Abundance Code Club perks, membership modules and Facebook group will be revoked.
Who does this NOT work for?

This does not work for people who are looking for a magic pill to create abundance. This will not work if you aren’t willing to take new action and to work with yourself.
What calls are included in AAC Club?
Q&A calls, action brainstorming, intuitive reading and clearing, mindset sessions, healing sessions.
How do I actually make sure I do this correctly?

That's why we have live coaching calls that will help you with course-correcting your actions and mindset. Plus you have 24/7 access into the group where you can ask your questions and receive Simona's support.

Alignment & Abundance Code Club
Are you ready to chance your Destiny?

Live Q&A Calls - 2 sessions per month

Private Facebook Group - with 24/7 support.

Access to my private library of 300 hours of recorded coaching sessions 

Bonus 1: Intuitive reading &clearing Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 2: Mindset Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 3: Healing Sessions - ones per month

Bonus 4: Action Brainstorming Sessions - ones per month

Super Bonus: Access to Soul's Next Desire Workshop
Total Value = (£6,943 GBP)
Today's Monthly Payment = £97

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